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Group Assignment with Ryan Silva and Isabella.

Netflix will have a new feature, where everybody now has a Steam-styled profile page, where all the movies and TV shows they have watched and/or currently watching will show on their page. Additionally, you can add other people as friends to see what they are watching and they can do the same for you. You can update your profile for your friends to better gauge who you are and what you like, with features such as having a bio as well as a profile picture for your page. When clicking on each movie on a personal page, one can see how they rated anything they have watched, and any comments they have about it. While on the home page, looking through different movies, trying to decide what they would like to watch; people can read ratings and comments about it before they dive into the media.

Initial Ideas

Redesign a Popular Website

Improved Idea
  1. Rotten Tomatoes + Stream Movies / Tv Shows

    1. Have movies/shows available on site

    2. Rate the movies after watching them 

  2. Netflix + Social Media

    1. People can rate, talk, and share opinions about the movies/shows they have watched.

    2. People will have profiles that show what movies they have previously watched, or are currently watching. 

  3. Shoprite Online + Indoor Weather and/or Cart Locator/Rater 

    1. A tab that lets one look up their local Shoprite and find out how cold they are keeping their store, or what to expect once inside.

    2. A tab that lets you locate a cart via the parking lot or at the store front, however carts come with numbers, so that people can leave comments or flag a cart due to a busted wheel or gross cart. So that other customers or the store may know what's up.

H&M + Avatar/Sims

Shopping for clothes; especially in this digital age where you don’t know if the clothes you buy are what you expected or the clothes aren't shown the same way you think can be a nightmare.Your playing luck with a 50/50 chance, that is until you go and try it yourself in-person. Let’s face it, we all have been there and it can be a hassle: That is why we proposed a solution where on the website (i.e- H&M) customers can create a digital avatar of themselves, allowing them to have the ability to customize, and shop with style-which will give you a better impression of how the clothes will look on you before you buy! 

First Draft
Design Ideas
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