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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick


Updated: Sep 12, 2020


Good signs are able to demonstrate an idea, action, or meaning effectively through a culture or group of people without being very overly detailed. With signs a symbol is able to reach ouch to a wide variety of people and they will all be able to understand it the same way. Sometimes the more simple or straightforward signs are the most effective, in my opinion. Generally signs are used at airports, hospitals, olympics, public government buildings, or areas with lots if tourists or traveling because many people from different backgrounds and cultures are around. And in case of an emergency or to effectively get around, if not understanding the language, then someone would be able to get around with the help of signs. Though not all signs are universal and can sometimes only be understood in certain cultures, the goal of a sign is to represent and express something everyone can associate with that action.


Thinking about qualities unique to Montclair State University:

Architecure: Spanish styled buildings, arches, pyramid roofs, spanish tiled roofs, clock/bell towers, street lamps, stairs, pathways. Older building have brick, newer ones concrete, brick and cement pathways, cement or brick stairs.

Nature: Pine trees, mountain range, lots of wind, lots of flowers.

Colors: Red and White are the main campus colors, with touches of black and yellow.

Other symbols unique to Montclair is obviously the hawk, or Rocky. He is the mascot of Montclair and is a recognized symbol on campus. The hawk and the MSU crest are probable the most recognizable symbols for students because its already well known and plastered around.


MSU shuttle buses are a different experience for students, either commuters or people that live on campus, we all have experienced the shuttles. Though convenient and helpful for the students, the shuttle buses have become quite a recognizable part of campus life. There are two different kinds of shuttles, either to public transit styles bus commonly seen on streets, or the smaller styled ones commonly seen at elderly homes or for handicap use. Though the shuttles can be recognized being used elsewhere on campus, MSU shuttles have a different feel and experience. Normally one can wait a long time for a shuttle, or be crammed on with a bunch of students, or having to wait for the next shuttle to come cause there are too many people. Once on the shuttle, all the drivers are nice, but do they drive around campus a lot wilder than one would think. I've always found my commute on shuttles to either be comical or helpful every time I use one. There are many different kinds of shuttles and routes that it takes, which every student learns to get use too.

Normally besides just the picture of the small shuttle being a great symbol for it, commonly seeing students waiting for a shuttle, being upset or cold while waiting for the shuttle, or even being all crammed together on the shuttle are all actual representations.


International studies at Montclair is a minor offered for students. International studies offers a wide variety of employment options and gives the student a skill set in new fields, this can all be read about on . The goal of the minor is to engage the student in world problems and ideas about change and growth for the world. Also it teaches the student more about different people around the world and also covers socioeconomic and sociopolitical in world affairs.

From what I can the international studies minor does not relate to the Office of International Engagements on campus. That office focuses on studying abroad, and international students, and different connections to different countries . However they both do focus on relationship between countries and help students with learning about new cultures and countries relations.

Common symbols would obviously be either the world, maps, travel guides, flags, someone studying, studying world affairs or economic traits in diff countries.


MSU the center for writing excellence is an office dedicated to helping students improve their writing skills and also help them bring their ideas to papers effectively and professionally. Students or whomever else can go and meet with a specialist to help improve ones writing and confidence in writing. They also offer additional help and resources with research and grammar. Appointments can be made and are now offered online due to COVID.

I myself have never been to the writing center, but my friend has and it helped her feel a little more confident in her writing and the material and points she had. I think it is a wonderful and unique thing offered at Montclair State.

Common symbols of course would be writing, assistance or reviewing of material between two people-commonly student to teacher.


MSU Mix lab 3D print center is a lab placed in the business school for creative, innovative, designers, entrepreneurs hub for people to build and grow their ideas. On the website it stated that "MIX stands for Making and Innovating for X, where X is the unknown, that which exceeds our grasp, the future, and the open-ended nature of creativity, good design and big problems." The lab houses over 35 3D printers, which is a very large scale and unique lab that can really only be offered by Montclair. The Lab is suppose to be a great place for students or others a like to grow and create wonderful designs and ideas that could solve problems or to simple be cool.

Some obvious Symbols in the MIX lab are the printers themselves and the ideas/goals they represent. So either the printer or a symbol of a student thinking and creating out of the box is a good symbol for the lab. Or even someone building their ideas out into reality.


The Advisement Office at MSU offers a student help in knowing what they must complete in order to graduate in time, or to help guide the students into the right path. Though it is the student's job and role to make the major decisions, it is the advisors role to help guide them to the career or education they want. Each school in Montclair has different sets of advisors for different majors and student needs. Degree works is commonly used with the Advisement office, and clearly allows the student to see and access information an advisor would have. All of this allows the best opportunities and growth for MSU students and is a wonderful aspect provided by the school.

Common symbols could be degree works or course, a student to professor meeting with them looking at computer, a path with a guide, teacher guiding student between two paths.


Shape of sign possibilities:

Drew down some first thoughts I can associate Montclair and to the container of the sign holder. Though my signs do not have to be kept in a box, I think it is a good way to keep them together and also symbolize Montclair.

sketches of symbols/ideas brought by different subjects

Trying to show different ideas about a shuttle stop and students waiting. Some show students getting on shuttle, some show waiting at lil benches or bus stops, or others just show the shape of the MSU shuttle.

Trying to picture different ways to show someone learning about different countries. Showing maybe a connection or lines between countries may symbolize affairs or relationships which is a big part of international studies,

Besides trying to figure out different ways of student to professor being helped with writing. Also tried disuniting differences between student and professor through either glasses, lanyards, maybe back packs, or style of 'clothes' (tie, collar).

Trying to express the printers and the idea of someone work or ideas being physically made. Maybe could do someones head or brain or creative flow being made by the 3D printer.

Lastly tried expressing the idea of being guided towards different paths or being lead down a certain path of success or goals the the student wants.

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