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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 2: Generative vs Interactive

Interactive Drawing Program:

Created a Drawing Program where the stroke followed the mouse cursor. When moving to the right the stroke would turn black, while moving to the left it would turn red. Also if your mouse moved faster than the stroke would get larger. Also added a mouse clicking method to clear the canvas

This was fairly easy and fun to code.

This is a screen shot of the Drawing Program

Below is the code used to make the program.


Generative Raindrops:

Created a set of code that would produce random circles and lines. The circles would only occupy the top half of the display, each circle being the same sized except randomly placed, randomly colored, and random opacity, while also having random stroke colors. The lines would all come from the center of the page, but be on the bottom half being random lengths and colors. This was a fun coding thing, but it was very challenging trying to figure out how to only have one part of the random on half of the display.

Above is a screenshot of the Raindrops, and below is a screenshot of the code.

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