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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 8 'About Face'

About Face Chp.9 & Chp.19

Chp. 9

The age of mobile devices has brought a new age for design and user interactions. Handheld devices have special challenges for the designer because many new factors are introduced, including only being touch screened based, needing to be small, lightweight, easy to hold, sturdy, and easy to use. Satellite posture, early days were extensions of the desktop. Provided only lightweight input and editing features, and viewing information. Android and Apple brought a new age and big upgrade to handheld devices. Standalone Posture - similar to sovereign and transient applications. Need to be self explanatory, need to be able to abandon apps while using them to go to other apps.

Tablet Device Posture: More than enough real estate to support sovereign applications. Permit only full screen applications. Widgets-transient posture micro-apps that access the functionality of an installed sovereign app.

Postures for other platforms- interaction design for mobile and public contexts requires special attention to creating an experience that coexists with the noise and activity of the real world happening around them. Kiosk Posture- Interactive systems at a specific location available for use by the public. User’s of kiosks are normally first time users, also people do not want to spend a significant amount of time in front of the kiosk.

‘Ten-Foot’ interface posture: television, gaming console, interfaces offer an interesting posture variant. Big difference is that the touchscreen’s direct swipe and tap gestures are replaced with the five-way D-pad interaction of an infrared or bluetooth remote.

Automotive INterface Posture: Unlike kiosks, users are seated, but similar to kiosks, users typically attempt one relatively simple transaction at a time if they are also driving. Automotive interfaces, of course, have the additional constraint that they must be of minimal distraction to the driver, since keeping control of the vehicle and avoiding harm are always the primary tasks.

Smart appliance posture: transient-posture interfaces, most simple and straightforward interface possible, also accustomed to hardware controls.

Chp. 19

The iPhone made major changes to the world of mobile design. They replaced the mess of user experience through high resolution, multi-touchscreen, destural idioms that were easy to learn and discover, a set of sensors to detect rotation, location, lighting, and movement.

Anatomy of a Mobile App: gotta think about ease of finger touching without activating other functions non-purposely.

Mobile Form Factors: 3 categories that affect navigation, the layout, and even the behavioral strategies and patterns employed:

Handhelds- they are characterized by tall, narrow screens, used most frequently in portrait orientation.

Tablets- windows and android prefer landscape, while apple works in both orientations.

Min-tablets- smaller versions of the normal tablets.

Handheld Format Apps: mobile touchscreen operating systems, opting instead for full-screen applications that make much better use of the limited real estate.

Stacks- primary pattern used by most non-game mobile apps. List like display for most type of content and control

Screen carousels- an alternative top-level pattern that is most appropriate for a dash-board-like display that has multiple instances or variants between which the user can quickly navigate via a swipe gesture to the left or right.

Orientation and layout- modern devices can detect the screen's orientation, so apps can dynamically rearrange it’s layout, most apps stick with portrait mode.

Tablet Format apps: more breathing room.

Stacks and index panes- also rely on stack patterns, allowing one or more supporting panes due to more real estate. Additional index panes can have navigation and functions. In portrait mode index might pop over the main page, while in landscape can be shown on the side without interfering with the main screen.

Pop up control panels- don't overlay the entire screen, can improve task flow by keeping the background screen, but not feeling as though you left the room to complete this function.

Orientation-based layout- need to be concerned with orientation, controls, toolbars, navigation, tabs, etc need to be able to rotate when the screen moves.

Mobile versus desktop-like layout- dont treat the tablet like a shrunken down laptop screen, many functions and layouts will work as well on a touchscreen based device, like drag and drop.

Hardware-like control layout- interfaces that resemble hardware-base control surfaces appeal to users in that domain like music production.

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