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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Discussion #1: Communicating with Images

A successful sign is a summarized design of an idea, action, aspect, image, etc; which can be clearly recognized by a certain culture or world of people.  When thinking of creating or wanting to have a good sign, one must recognize the 'stereotypes' commonly associated with their idea and use it. Though not many people  look upon stereotypes as a positive outlook, they are still quite useful in understanding the common outlook people have on life or certain aspects/actions/etc. One does not need to refer to stereotypes as the hateful and confining terms that they are, but as a tool to create and understand a basic element a certain culture already associates to that certain action. With a proper stereotype, one can create a foundation to building a good sign. However, what good would the art world be if not always challenging the boxed in minds of others? At least that is what someone may argue when trying to conform one idea into one simple form. Though it may be quite lame to have this one outlook, the use of signs is to speak to a larger audience, community, culture, or  become universal. And in order to have that outcome, one simply must follow those conformities. Unless by chance, one can teach a new culture to have a larger/different gaze upon the action, can it become more abstract. In this new modern world, which is learning and fighting for people to understand and accept; one can challenge the notion of a universal language making everyone think a like. Instead try to use the tool as a communicating factor that won't close in one's thought process, but expand it. Still, in the end though a good sign takes a simple design and communicates a much larger idea or action.  

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