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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 11: School For Poetic Computation

Javier de Azkue: The more you connect the less you connect

So this Poetic Computation is suppose to show an 'interactive mediation on childhood and memory mechanisms,' through altered and distorted home footage using vision scripts, colored cables and sorting algorithms. The display is set up with two 4:3 monitors on a wall, side by side. Each monitor has 5 banana plugs, so that the 5 interchangeable banana wires can be moved around and changed on each monitor. On the left monitor with the raw home footage, each plug has a dedicated color, which is suppose to represent a certain family member. While the right monitor would reflect the memory distortion; this is done by the viewer changing the wires plug in on the monitors. The plugs on the right monitor are suppose to represent a memory mechanism/ memory process. By the user swapping the wires, the videos make a sort of collage of mutated memories on the right monitor. The purpose is to show the pure un-altered past on the left screen that is the proper past/truth. While the right screen shows the reality of how remembering past memories plays in our heads. Everything gets swapped and merged around and distorted, and each time we look back at the memory the more is gets messed up.

Personally I think that this is a very interesting and good visual way to represent how looking back at memories works in our minds. The more we try to mess around the more different things get warped and distorted. With the interactive quality of the viewer themselves changing the wires directly shows that it is our brain that mixes everything up.


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