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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 4-5: Eyeo Talk

Robert Hodgin (animation)

Is a creative coder whose work ranges from simple 2D data visualizations to immersive 3D terrain simulations. Very humorous coder, seems to love his freedom and exactness of coding. But also has down moments where he feels trapped by it, yet is still able to clear his mind and find his passion again.


Creation of the Globe: Rendering of planet with interactive frame rates. Simple set up, 3 nested spheres: red(planet surface), green(cloud layer), and blue layer(atmospheric effect). Gets textures from Nasa. Wraps different textures around the 'earth' to create different matts, color, shiny ness, show land mass, clouds, city lights, etc. Also uses photoshop to edit any textures that he was gonna put on the globe, or to add shadows/light. Works on atmosphere light changes and reflecting. Also in the background works on the sun, the suns light, stars, etc.

The globe has three layers of sorts, an outside geometric look, a layer with continents and countries with different data, and then the third layer which is the photo realistic globe with all the effects. When moving around the globe, he can toggle the Sandra Bullock matrix. When having the oculus on it is more interesting and can be very disorienting.


Needed to create a cgi coding animation video of the cycle of realtime immersive that puts the viewer in the middle of a feeding frenzy. It was to be displayed in a circular shaped wall/room for people to go inside and view. Not meant to be too realistic, more meant for the data. Used 3D models of fish. To create the bait ball, used spheres of influences/ranges to create the reactions of the bait ball/fish. The birds were very difficult, created 4 stages of actions for the birds to show flight, swimming, floating, and rising back out. Wanted to keep lines and colors showing when certain predators come through the bait ball, did not end up keeping. Showed fear and motion, besides a circle for the fish in the bait ball.


Zach Lieberman (drawing, animation)

Is an artist who focuses on the element of surprise. He mainly works on poetic coding and one goal and interest is always finding new and playful ways to express through code/art. Zach loves to create things and besides being an artist is a hacker and researcher.

I'm gonna show 3 projects that Zach worked on in one weekend with different people. They are all different, but also have very similar elements.


Project where a technologist and an artist work together to create a mobile connect unit and record/interview people on the streets. Wanted to engage with people, recording them in 3D. Then they printed their faces out of a 3D printer, and projected their faces/interview back onto the 3D face. Makes the talking heads come back to life as sort of a 'magical' illusion.


In this project, Zach and a Japanese Designer worked together to create a 'drawing plus throwing' which was created for a Japanese band. The concept was that by using a certain software for your iPhone, you draw something on it. Then with a throwing motion of your arm(phone in hand not actually thrown), pointed towards the direction of Japan, the image would be 'thrown'/sent over and displayed to where the band was performing.


Zach collaborated with a group of designers, where they came together at this store front and interviewed people about where they find peace. While interviewing them, they recorded them moving. And then took their answers and wrapped it around their 'body' to then projected live. Zach called it an 'exploration of motion.'

Zach would go on to talk about his passions that are found in all 3 projects, which are drawing, movement, and magic. In all three of the above projects it is clear that either a person is physically interacting with the code/work, or the results of the project were gathered from taking the movements of people prior to the finalization. Similarly to what it said on his website, you can see the playfulness and magic like qualities shown through either the movement of the people or the actions they are creating. Everything is very fun, wild, and plays with the ideas and passion he listed above. Though drawing is only seen technically in the Drow project, all the other projects have an element of drawing, like the way the line of words go around the person.

In the end you can clearly see how those passions of his can be visible in his earlier projects, or larger projects. He was originally influenced by artist who played with the idea of images coming to life, and being influenced by the movement of the outside person. It was either through a performance or ability to give people the ability to interact with the art. Likes to give the moment of surprise and wonder to people interacting with the art. The other projects he mentioned that show that are Drawn and IQ Font.

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