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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 9: The Art of API

Art an the API by Jer Thorp

Jer Thorp views an API (Application Programming Interface) as a bridge that allows communication between one computer program to another. However, Jer does not think the API solely functions on those basis, he also believes that it can connect new information together. An artist could link a certain action or idea to a not always common thought or value through the use of an API. It can become creative, political, scientific, etc.

ArtPI (Art API)

An API that allows an artist, student, researchers, appraisers, etc. search for certain art, specified by color, style, artist, similarities, time period, genre, etc. The user uploads an image/art and then the program compares it to other works in their public collection. Is a plugin for small businesses, galleries, and artist websites. Can upload collections and work through an iframe on their websites for private collections only searchable on their website. Also works with larger institutions like museums and auction houses. Provides private searching collections on their own databases with links to ArtPI, which allows full control of the display.

The ArtPI connects people to different works of art not commonly thought of originally. Yes searching through style and artist is very common, the ability to also search through color and similarities gives artist the chance to open up and see new work and pieces they might not have been able to find before. Additionally with the ability of the plugin, artists and other businesses are allowed to show people certain works through an easy access. This allows communication through artworks to a variety of different people for different purposes. Though it does not directly make any break through connections, I think with certain kind of searches and collections you can show how different things connect, that the viewer might not hav previously thought of.

I used this database to look at stuff based off this whale painting.

by color:

by similarities:

by light:

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