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  • Writer's pictureKaley Fitzpatrick

Week 7: Processing Libraries

Processing Libraries allow Processing to extend beyond graphics/images into audio, video, and communication with other devices. While searching up libraries, it seems there are of course the ones produced by Processing; PDF Export, Network, SVG Export, Serial, DFX Export, Video, Sound, and Hardware I/O. Then there are contribution libraries, that contain these sections of 3D, Animation, Compilations, Data, GUI, Geometry, Hardware, I/O, Language, Math, Other, Simulation, Sound, Typography, Utilities, Video and Vision.

3D: Camera3D

Camera3D was created by Jim Schmitz . The purpose of this library is to "Alter P3D Rendering to produce Stereoscopic Animations, 360 Video and other 3D effects." This library requires the use of draw() multiple times, in order to produce graphics. This gives the user a whole lot of freedom, expression, and brings plenty of new possibilities when it comes to coding. With Camera3D one can create 360 videos, stereoscopic videos(anaglyphs or sail frame videos for 3D monitor/TV), or split depth animations. Additionally Camera3D come with pre built 'generators,' and the ability to create more generators to suit the needs of the coder. There are 4 sections of built in generators in Camera3D, with varying amounts of specified generators. The 4 sections are Anaglyphs(requires special 3D glasses), Non-Anaglyph 3D, Optical Illusions, and 360 Video.

360 Video example:

Stereoscopic Video example:

Split Depth Animation example:

GEOMETRY: Dashed Lines

Dashed lines was created by Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo. This library allows one to draw shapes with dashed lines. Can create any basic or complex shapes or lines, but instead with a dashed line. The library computes stroke segments based on one's own pattern choice, and adapts the drawing as one goes. Works with the other basic Processing methods such as stroke(), fill(), strokeWeight(), etc. Also allows one to customize the dash-gap size and create 'walking ants effect' on animations using offset().

Examples of Dashed Lines:


I think that having Processing Libraries is really cool and allows many beginners to play around with new ways of using some of the basic stuff they already know. Though many of these libraries have different purposes and levels of difficulty, they open the path to exploration and creation.

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